Process of Creative Projects
1 Take brief and analyse requirement Partner-OVUONG
. Take requirement of partner and have in requirement sheet filled full needed information for analysis
. Examine information and collect relevant information for analysis Partner
2 Figure out and present conspectus solution OVUONG-Partner
. Figure out conspectus solution which is close to partner’s requirement.
. Draft the timeline and estimated budget for the solution
. Present to partner and take input
. Revise and get approve of partner
. Contract bewteen parties and advance
3 Develop idea and specify action OVUONG-Partner
. Specify idea, functions to complete the plan of development
. Make concrete timeline of the project
. Get approval from partner for all items
4 Layout design OVUONG-Partner
. Design options of items base on the agreement of number of options
. Get input and revise upon the agreement of number of revision
. Get approval from partner
5 Hand-over and close project Partner-OVUONG
. Approve the final option
. Release final version and all liquidation document
. Payment
. Hand over the source file of design after receiving all payment