Học Bổng Xanh Fund
Học Bổng Xanh Fund was invented and host by imFRIDAY.COM, a project powered by OVUONG.COM. This fund is for the purpose to help poor children to go to school by offering them a scholarship of 1 year school fee.
To offer the scholarship, we must contact with the school to refine the list of pupils who are really in need of support. Then, we must go on site the verify every case to finalize the list. After that, we call for the contributions.
Học Bổng Xanh Fund supported 6 cases in 2011 and 10 cases in 2012. And we still continue with our missions.
We not only stop at offering financial support to children but also encourage them to try hard by creating extracurricular activities for them.
We are not rich, we just share what we have with all our hearts to those who are less lucky than us to make a better life. Because we think that a better life can not come by itself, it must be created by us through our daily activities.
Truly thank you our friends who have shared and acted together with us to make a better life. We are really looking forward to continuing this will with you all.
Under imFRIDAY.COM Project