Category Archives for Activities
After months co-working, internship team from Havard Business School (HBS) and VietnamAtoZ team from OVUONG produced interesting findings about online shopping behavior of young consumer of age 22-26 in Vietnam. This was a remarkable input to take into account in order to modify and adjust our product, VietnamAtoZ local search tool. This co-working session helped […]
Học Bổng Xanh Fund was invented and host by imFRIDAY.COM, a project powered by OVUONG.COM. This fund is for the purpose to help poor children to go to school by offering them a scholarship of 1 year school fee. To offer the scholarship, we must contact with the school to refine the list of pupils […]
This contest was opened to all members of OVUONG. This was a great chance for everybody to show up their cooking talent and to make people get closer. Rule: team has to prepare a meal for 8 people with a budget of 130.000 dong. To win this contest, every team must get the highest score […]