Cooking contest: “Ông Táo, Bà Táo”
This contest was opened to all members of OVUONG. This was a great chance for everybody to show up their cooking talent and to make people get closer.
Rule: team has to prepare a meal for 8 people with a budget of 130.000 dong.
To win this contest, every team must get the highest score of the jury, which is formed by rest of members of OVUONG, and get the most “like” on the post that they described their dish.
Let’s see all 4 cooking teams with their secrete talent:
1. Team Hai trái chuối or Couple boyz
They brought to the jury 2 dishes named ” Lẩu đầu cá hồi” and “Nấm bào ngư xào tỏi”
2. Team Đệ nhất táo
They severed everybody with a special dish from the center called Mì quảng đệ nhất táo
3. Team Bưởi bụ bẫm
They made delicious dish named Bún sườn
4. Team Chim non tóc xù
Wow, an “everything in one” dish was what they made for the jury and they called it “Bún xào hằm bà lằng”
And the glory belonged to team Đệ nhất táo. Let’s have a look at other place on the listing
Now, we are looking forward to the next version of ÔNG TÁO BÀ TÁO. Would you like to join with us !?