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Cooking contest: “Ông Táo, Bà Táo”

This contest was opened to all members of OVUONG. This was a great chance for everybody to show up their cooking talent and to make people get closer. Rule: team has to prepare a meal for 8 people with a budget of 130.000 dong. To win this contest, every team must get the highest score […]

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Your Logo: Think Of It Like A Tattoo For Your Business

Whether you like tattoos or not, you probably know they are painful to get, disastrous to get wrong and rather difficult to remove. In other words, they’re there to stay – and you better like them even when you’re old and wrinkled. And it’s easy to see (just google “tattoo disasters”) that loads of people […]

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Old Browsers Are Holding Back The Web

Old Browsers Are Holding Back The Web Because of how far certain Web technologies like HTML5 and CSS3 have brought us, many would say that—from a Web platform perspective—the future is now. Sounds like a cliché, I know. At the very least, it feels like the future is starting to bubble up to the surface… […]

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Following A Web Design Process

Following A Web Design Process First of all, what exactly is a ‘process’? A Web development process is a documented outline of the steps needed to be taken from start to finish in order to complete a typical Web design project. It divides and categorizes the work and then breaks these high-level sections into tasks […]

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What’s Brand?

What’s Brand? Brand is an important part of any business. Branding is a strategy that we need to help our clients with – much like copy writing and usability. While the logo is an important first impression for your project, it can’t stop there. The brand needs to be reflected in the content, style and […]

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How To Establish Brand Identity For A Website

How To Establish Brand Identity For A Website Customers need to be able to identify a web site by its brand image. If visitors arrive at a web site and don’t know where they are, this means that the color scheme, fonts, page layout, images, and logo that make up the brand image are not […]

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Website Performance: What To Know and What You Can Do

Website Performance: What To Know and What You Can Do ” Website performance is a hugely important topic, so much so that the big companies of the Web are obsessed with it. For the Googles, Yahoos, Amazons and eBays, slow websites mean fewer users and less happy users and thus lost revenue and reputation.” In […]

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Should You Build a Mobile App or Mobile Website?

There’s no doubt that mobile has gone mainstream with consumers increasingly on the move and companies seeking more ways to stay in front of their eyes and right at their fingertips. As a result, businesses are realizing the importance of maintaining a mobile presence, yet many are uncertain whether a mobile application or mobile website […]

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Learn logo

Learn logo: An effective logo is distinctive, appropriate, practical, graphic, simple in form and conveys an intended message. In its simplest form, a logo is there to identify but to do this effectively it must follow the basic principles of logo design: . A logo must be simple. A simple logo design allows for easy […]

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The hidden meaning behind really good logos

1. Apple One of the world’s leading brands, Apple was founded by Steve jobs and his partners in 1976. Apple’s icon is a bitten apple and is rumored that it signifies the forbidden fruit symbolically an apple. Furthermore the eating of this fruit by Adam and Eve in the Eden was a not good deed. […]

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